we offer a full line snorkeling and Scuba equiptment

Scuba Rentals

The Frank Whites Rental fleet offers a full line of scuba and snorkelling equipment. We are excited to utilize Aqua Lung, Bare, Apex, and more in our high end rental fleet. We have a large selection of sizes and styles to suit what you need.

Our rental fleet offers a full line of Scuba and Snorkelling equipment. We have a large selection of sizes and styles for rent. Our Available equiptment includes:

Tanks, Regulators, Computers, BCDs, Ankle Weights, Wetsuits (snorkling), Wetsuits (scuba diving), Hoods, Dry Suit w/Bags, Under Garments, Neo Socks, Mask/Snorkels, Fins, Boots, Gloves, Weight Belts, Bags, Lights, Cameras